How to get backup codes?

01/Go to website and sign in with your Origin Account Email and Origin Password.
Click Security. Make sure your Login Verification Status is On.
①If the option shows "Turn Off" , it means currently status is On,just refer to step 2-step 4.
②If the option shows"Turn On",please skip ahead to step 5-step 9.
02/ If the option shows "Turn Off"

03/ Click on "View" backup codes.

04/ Then will show the backup codes. Paste them into the fields on "Withdraw Coins" page on PZBUY.
Notice: Only the black backup codes works.If the backup codes are gray, it means they have already been used and expired, because each code can only be used once. Click the button"Create New Codes" to get valid codes.

05/ If the option shows "Turn On"
Click "Turn On" option
Click "Turn On" option

06/ Choose "Email", then click "Send Code".

07/ Type the security code you received in your email inbox, then click "Turn On Login Verification".

08/ Then will get the backup codes. Paste them into the fields on "Withdraw Coins" page on PZBUY.

09/ a.After Turn On Login Verification",next time when you want to get backup codes or want "Create New Codes", just need Click on "View" backup codes. and you can refer to above step 2-step 4.